Detective Trail

Welcome to the Detective Trail of Confiserie Bachmann! A puzzle adventure through Lucerne for children and adults

You want to discover the picturesque city of Lucerne, solve exciting puzzles and win a sweet prize at the end? Then you've come to the right place. The Detective Trail is puzzle fun for the whole family and is especially suitable for fans of treasure hunts and scavenger hunts.

Times: The Detective Trail can be started at any time.

Costs: This Detective Trail was created by Confiserie Bachmann and is free of charge. With the correct solution number at the end of the trail you will get a prize.

Prize: Your prize will be waiting for you at the finish line in our specialty store at Schwanenplatz 7. Note the opening hours: MO-MI 07:00-19:00, DO 07:00-21:00, FR 07:00-19:00, SA 07:00-18:00, SO 09:30-18:00. (Short-term changes in opening hours are possible due to public holidays).

Distance: walking 4,5 km

Duration: 2-3 h

Start: At Lucerne main station

Procedure: Go to the starting point of the Detective Trail. Then follow the described route, on which various exciting puzzle posts await you. Along the way you will get to know various Lucerne attractions and landmarks. Each question has three possible answers, one of which is correct. For each question A, B or C, add up the number of points marked in green. If you add up the final number correctly at the last post, you will receive a gift.

File: The Detective Trail is available for download below as a PDF in English, German, French and Portuguese.