Original Spelt Traditional Braided Loaf

Original Spelt Traditional Braided Loaf

CHF 5.20
incl. VAT 2.6%

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Our bakers bake following self-imposed purity requirements. Hence the salt in our bread is exclusively 100 % natural, raw sea salt. Compared to conventional salt, sea salt contains vital mineral nutrients and trace elements and it is a natural product! More information about our additional value bread you will find at Additional Value Bread - your additional value for health and indulgence! This bread is enriched with organic spelt shoots (Goldkeimlinge).

Why are our organic spelt shoots so valuable?
Through an optimised germination procedure we manage to increase the vitamins already present in the grain by a multiple. Moreover during germination, vitamin C, essential for growth, is newly built. Already 200g fresh, germinating organic spelt shoots cover nearly the daily requirement of valuable vitamins and contain bioavailable mineral nutrients, trace elements, fibres and other vitamin-like vital substances. «Nine tenth of our happiness are solely based on our health.» Arthur Schopenhauer

More Information
SKU 9003187
Shipping options Delivery Switzerland, Delivery local, Pickup
Shelf life in days 1
Net weight, g 310
Kilojoule / 100g 1449.0
Calories / 100g 346.0
Fat / 100g 11.6
hereof: saturated fatty acids 6.3
Carbohydrates / 100g 47.8
thereof sugar 2.1
Dietary fibre / 100g 2.4
Protein / 100g 11.2
Salt / 100g 1.8
Consumption recommendation Braided loaf

Original spelt flour IPS 51%, water, butter 10%, spelt flakes, skimmed milk powder, yeast, whole egg (free range), sea salt

Spelt product Spelt product
Storage at room temperature
Vegetarian Vegetarian
100g / Price 1.50
Information for allergy sufferers
Contains gluten-containing grain (wheat, spelt), egg, milk