Sunflower Grüessli

Sunflower Grüessli

CHF 6.40
incl. VAT 2.6%

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Sunflower Grüessli - wrapped in cellophane, tied with a red bow (with discreet Bachmann logo)

5 cm diameter

Minimum order quantity
50 pieces

More Information
SKU 9007792
Shipping options Post Versand, Mond-Express, Delivery Switzerland, Pickup
Shelf life in days 101
Gross weight 47g
Net weight, g 48
Kilojoule / 100g 2094.0
Calories / 100g 500.0
Fat / 100g 25.0
hereof: saturated fatty acids 12.7
Carbohydrates / 100g 61.8
thereof sugar 59.8
Dietary fibre / 100g 2.0
Protein / 100g 5.9
Salt / 100g 0.2

Zucker, Marzipan (Zucker, Mandeln, Glukosesirup, Invertzuckersirup, Wasser), Kakaobutter, Vollmilchpulver, Kakaomasse, Mandeln, Eiweiss Pasteurisiert, Haselnüsse, Pflanzliche Fette und Öle, Milchzucker, Magermilchpulver, Malzextrakt, Emulgator (Sojalecithin, Sonnenblumenlecithin), Farbstoffe (Tartrazin, Allurarot AC, Azorubin, Kurkumin, Zuckerkulör), Aromen, Butterreinfett, Vanille

Vegetarian Vegetarian
Information for allergy sufferers
Mandeln, Nüsse (Schalenfrüchte), Milch, Ei, Haselnüsse, Gluten, Gerste, Soja