Guardian Angel 1 Star Box B2B

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Nachhaltige Schokolade: Geniesse unsere hochwertigen Schokoladenprodukte, die mit Verantwortung und Nachhaltigkeit hergestellt werden. Erfahre mehr über unsere nachhaltige Schokoladenproduktion.

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Guardian angel 1 star box B2B

A speciality that comes from the heart
Our guardian angels are not only delicious crispy truffles, but also convey very personal messages: ‘Good luck!’, ‘Stay healthy!’ or simply ‘Thank you’. This makes the Schutzengeli not only a culinary delight, but also gives you the valuable feeling that someone is thinking of you. So we all need a guardian angel from time to time. Or two... or three.

Each of our guardian angels is handmade and unique. Our chocolatiers lovingly roll each individual Schutzengeli by hand in exquisite, flavoured nuts and the best Swiss milk chocolate. The crispy wafer brittle is filled with a melt-in-the-mouth praline cream. The combination of these exquisite ingredients gives our Schutzengeli a very special flavour and an exquisite aroma.

At least CHF 20,000 of the proceeds from the sale of the Schutzengeli truffles lovingly made by our chocolatiers are donated to the Bachmann Foundation every year. This means that 100% of the donations go back to the countries where many of our chocolate specialities originate. Gourmets like you thus become real guardian angels. And we as the Bachmann family can give back some of our happiness. Let's fly together!

Minimum order quantity due to customisation
50 pieces

If you order these products online, you will benefit from a 10% discount. You will find the discount code under the main picture.

1x mandarin cinnamon

Individual mail dispatch
We are happy to take care of the single-post dispatch for you. All we need are the address labels and greeting cards. The size of the card must not exceed 148x210 mm (A5). You can send us the address labels and inserts by post or digitally to Please mention the order number.

Please note: If the address labels can be printed by us, a surcharge of CHF 0.45 per address will be charged. After receiving your order, we will adjust the total costs and send you a new order confirmation.

More Information

SKU 9008646
Shipping options Post Versand, Mond-Express, Delivery Switzerland, Pickup
Shelf life in days 92
Net weight, g 15g
Kilojoule / 100g 2420.0
Calories / 100g 578.0
Fat / 100g 43.6
hereof: saturated fatty acids 18.1
Carbohydrates / 100g 42.2
thereof sugar 38.6
Dietary fibre / 100g 3.7
Protein / 100g 7.3
Salt / 100g 0.1

Zucker, Haselnüsse 26%, Kakaobutter, Mandeln, Vollmilchpulver, Kakaomasse, Weizenmehl, Pflanzliche Öle und Fette, Kakaokerne, Magermilchpulver, Butterreinfett, Gerstenmalzextrakt, Wasser, Emulgator (Sojalecithin, Rapslecithin), Vanille, Aromen, Salz, Sojamehl

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