Lucerne Cheese Tart Without Onions (MON-FRI)

Lucerne Cheese Tart Without Onions (MON-FRI)

CHF 5.30
incl. VAT 2.6%
Produced on following days: Mo, Tu, We, Th, Fr

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Please note: this product is only available Monday to Friday.

More Information
SKU 9003253
Shipping options Delivery Switzerland, Delivery local, Pickup
Shelf life in days 1
Net weight, g 180
Kilojoule / 100g 1178.0
Calories / 100g 283.0
Fat / 100g 16.4
hereof: saturated fatty acids 2.2
Carbohydrates / 100g 18.0
thereof sugar 2.3
Dietary fibre / 100g 0.6
Protein / 100g 15.2
Salt / 100g 0.4
Consumption recommendation warm konsumieren

Käse 34% [Bergkäse, Greyerzer Käse, Emmentaler], Vollmilch, Weizenmehl, Wasser, Eigelb , Naturvorteig [Wasser, Weizenmehl], Butter, Magermilchpulver, Vollei, Hefe, Meersalz

Vegetarian Vegetarian
Information for allergy sufferers
Gluten-containing grain (wheat, barley), egg, milk