Pumpkin Paillasse

Pumpkin Paillasse

Can be ordered from
CHF 4.60
incl. VAT 2.6%
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Pumpkin Paillasse - Pumpkin seeds are considered medicinal products due to their healing power in the treatment of bladder and prostate weakness. They contain substantial amounts of essential compounds like amino acids, trace elements (selenium, manganese, zinc, copper), unsaturated fatty acids and vitamins, especially vitamin E. The healing power is based on secondary plant compounds like phytosterol and others. Pumpkins contain plenty of vitamins of the groups A, C, D, E. Moreover, pumpkin pulp contains potassium, calcium and zinc. Pumpkins strenghten the immune system, support digestion and inhibit inflammations in the body.

Our bakers bake following self-imposed purity requirements. Hence the salt in our bread is exclusively 100 % natural, wholesome sea salt. Compared to conventional salt, sea salt contains vital mineral nutrients and trace elements and it is a natural product! The complete purity requirements you find at Additional Value Bread - your additional value for health and indulgence!

More Information
SKU 9003205
Shipping options Delivery Switzerland, Delivery local, Pickup
Shelf life in days 1
Net weight, g 320
Kilojoule / 100g 1258.0
Calories / 100g 307.0
Fat / 100g 7.3
hereof: saturated fatty acids 1.4
Carbohydrates / 100g 46.1
thereof sugar 0.7
Dietary fibre / 100g 2.3
Protein / 100g 13.6
Salt / 100g 1.4
Consumption recommendation Paillasse

Wheat flour, water, pumpkin seeds 10%, pumpkin flesh 9%, sea salt, yeast, barley malt flour

Storage at room temperature
Lactose free Lactose free
Vegetarian Vegetarian
Vegan Vegan
Information for allergy sufferers
Contains gluten-containing grain (wheat, barley)