Hot Cocoa sachets (100 pieces)

Hot Cocoa sachets (100 pieces)

CHF 50.00
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Hot Cocoa Sachets - 1 package includes 100 sachets

- pour content into 1 cup of warm or cold milk
- stir well and enjoy

More Information
SKU 51244
Shipping options Delivery Switzerland, Pickup
Net weight, g 15g
Kilojoule / 100g 1613
Calories / 100g 381
Fat / 100g 3.4
Carbohydrates / 100g 80
Protein / 100g 4.8
Salt / 100g 0.13
Declaration Zucker, fettreduziertes Kakaopulver (20%), Traubenzucker, Kakaopulver (1,3%), Emulgator: Sojalecithine, Aroma, Kochsalz.
Information for allergy sufferers
May contain traces of milk