Colour Cake Round Club

Colour Cake Round Club

CHF 65.00
incl. VAT 2.6%

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Colour Cake Round Club - The perfect cake for your birthday or occasion.

18 cm diameter for 6 persons
22 cm diameter for 10 persons (according to picture)
26 cm diameter for 16 persons

Cake picture
The main picture corresponds to a certain cake size, see note (according to picture) for the size in question.
The figures/flowers/decors on the cake remain unchanged in size and therefore the decor automatically appears smaller in proportion to a larger cake.

Please select the desired flavour in the order process. You will find a description as well as the pictures of the individual flavours with the layer structure under the picture of the cake.

Shelf life
Flavors 1-4 have a shelf life of 2 days, flavors 5-7 have a shelf life of 5 days.

The print is coloured and consists of natural base materials and food colours. The data must be in JPEG format and between 1-3MB in size. The colour and resolution of the photo print may differ from the original and from the picture on the internet, as we work with food colours. Please indicate logo otherwise design according to picture with FC Bayern logo.

At 5-8°C in the refrigerator.

More Information
SKU 9006968
Shipping options Delivery Switzerland, Pickup
Shelf life in days 2