Chatzestreckerli® Classic Confectionery Bag

Chatzestreckerli® Classic Confectionery Bag

CHF 8.40
incl. VAT 2.6%

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Chatzestreckerli® Classic Confectionery Bag - A true Lucerne speciality with honey, almonds and a hint of apricot flavour.

Who are these "Chatzestrecker" ("cat stretchers")? Like the people of Bern are in the vernacular called "Mutzen", the people of Basel "Bebbi" and the ones of Zurich "Hegel" - the people of Lucerne are jokingly called "Chatzestrecker". Historians give the following explanation for this nickname: shortly before arriving at their pilgrimage site Einsiedeln, the religious people of Lucerne hat to cross a mountain ridge called "Chatzestrick" ("cat rope") and over time "Chatzestrick" turned into their nickname "Chatzestrecker" ("cat stretchers"). Arguably because people thought that the people of Lucerne are probably not at all as religious as they made it seem. However, guaranteed is that the taste of Lucerne Chatzestreckerli is heavenly. Nowadays the people of Lucerne are associated with all the likable cat-like characteristics like their cleverness, their soft spot for cuddling... or their exquisite taste in selected delicacies. Confiseur Bachmann's imaginative and tasty Chatzestreckerli are the sum of all of Lucerne's positive cat-like characteristics - a true Lucerne speciality with honey, almond and a hint of apricot flavour. The fine Florentine biscuit is lovingly created by our confectioners in the heart of Lucerne, in our shop at the Schwanenplatz. Clients can see the noble ingredients and the elaborate production for themselves. The smell of caramel nougat is carried into the small alleys of Lucerne's old town. The Lucerne Chatzestreckerli are an ideal souvenir and suited for travelling without any problems. Order online or by phone. We are happy to organise the mailing for you.

Watch the Chatzestreckerli cartoon.
Listen to the interview with Raphael Bachmann.

More Information
SKU 9003675
Shipping options Post Versand, Mond-Express, Delivery Switzerland, Delivery local, Pickup
Shelf life in days 36
Gross weight 110g
Net weight, g 100
Kilojoule / 100g 2763.0
Calories / 100g 663.0
Fat / 100g 48.8
hereof: saturated fatty acids 18.3
Carbohydrates / 100g 45.3
thereof sugar 31.9
Dietary fibre / 100g 6.1
Protein / 100g 10.1
Salt / 100g 0.1
Declaration Mandeln 27%, Butter, Weizenmehl, Zucker, Vollmilch, Honig, Aprikosenmarmelade [Geliermittel (Pektin, Guarkernmehl), Säuerungsmittel (Zitronensäure)], Meersalz
Vegetarian Vegetarian
Information for allergy sufferers
Gluten, Weizen, Milch, Nüsse (Schalenfrüchte), Mandeln