9pcs Praliné Wood Box without engraving

9pcs Praliné Wood Box without engraving

CHF 20.40
incl. VAT 2.6%
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9pcs Praliné wood box without engraving - The box contains 9 delicious pralinés with or without print. 

Minimum order quantity due to extra production:
30 pieces

Delivery time
18 days > Pralinés without print, lid without print
18 days > Pralinés with photo print, lid without print
45 days > Pralinés with screen printing, lid without printing

We are happy to bind the package with a bow of your choice. 

Pralinés with printing
The packaging can be filled with our exclusive and homemade praliné specialties and truffles, pralinés with a logo print or combined as desired. The print on a praliné is made of food coloring. The corresponding logo or subject should be at best in JPEG format and between 1-3 MB in size. The customer gets a sample for printing. Please note that color deviations can occur when printing with food coloring. Confiseur Bachmann AG does not assume any guarantee or liability for this. When printing on a praliné, we distinguish between the printing types photo printing and screen printing.

Photo printing on praliné
With photo printing, a marzipan plate is printed, which is placed on the praliné. The print is 4-color and is suitable for smaller editions and multi-color subjects. The marzipan plate slightly affects the taste of the chocolate. The one-time printing cost for the production of a new artwork is Fr. 90.-. If a suitable template already exists from a previous order, it can of course be used. The template is kept for three years. Marzipan printing per praliné costs Fr -.80.

Screen printing on praliné
Screen printing is done directly on the chocolate, has a very fine resolution and good contrast. Shading must be screened and is not recommended. A screen is made for each printing color. Screen printing is suitable for larger runs. The one-time printing cost is more expensive than photo printing, but there is no additional cost per praliné. If screens already exist from a previous order, they can of course be used. They are kept for three years. One-time printing costs for the production of the screens:
1-color: Fr. 380.-
2-color: Fr. 580.-
3-color: Fr. 780.-
4-color: Fr. 990.-

If you order these products online, you will benefit from a 10% discount. Discount code can be found under the main image.

More Information
SKU G6401
Shipping options Post Versand, Mond-Express, Delivery Switzerland, Pickup
Net weight, g 108g