12pc. Pralinés Box with Logo Card

12pc. Pralinés Box with Logo Card

CHF 18.75
incl. VAT 2.6%
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Box of 12 logo pralinés and a personalised card - The box contains 12 delicious pralinés with or without print.

Minimum order quantity due to extra production:
30 pieces

Delivery time
18 days > Pralinés with or without photo print
45 days > Pralinés with silk-screen printing

We will gladly bind the packaging with a bow of your choice.

Pralinés with print
The packaging can be filled with our exclusive and homemade praliné specialities and truffles, pralinés with a logo print or a combination as desired. The print on a praliné is made of food colouring. The corresponding logo or subject should ideally be in JPEG format and between 1-3 MB in size. The customer receives a sample for printing. Please note that colour deviations may occur when printing with food colouring. Confiseur Bachmann AG does not accept any guarantee or liability for this. When printing on a praliné, we distinguish between the printing types photo printing and screen printing.

Photo printing on praliné
With photo printing, a marzipan plate is printed and placed on the praliné. The print is 4-coloured and is suitable for smaller print runs and multi-coloured subjects. The marzipan plate slightly affects the taste of the chocolate. The one-off printing cost for the production of a new artwork is Fr. 90. If a suitable template already exists from a previous order, it can of course be used. The template is kept for three years. Marzipan printing per praline costs Fr -.80.

Screen printing on pralinés
Screen printing is done directly on the chocolate, has a very fine resolution and good contrast. Shading must be screened and is not recommended. A screen is made for each printing colour. Screen printing is suitable for larger print runs. The one-off printing costs are more expensive than with photo printing, but there are no additional costs per praline. If you already have screens from a previous order, you can of course use them. They are kept for three years. One-off printing costs for the production of the screens:
1-colour: Fr. 380.
2-colour: Fr. 580.- 
3-colour: Fr. 780.-
4-colour: Fr. 990.-

You benefit from a 10% discount when ordering these products online. You will find the discount code under the main picture.

Individual mailing
We are happy to take care of the individual mailing for you. All we need are the address labels and greeting cards. The size of the card must not exceed 148x210 mm (A5). You can send us the address labels and inserts by post or digitally to kundendienst@confiserie.ch. Please mention the order number.

Please note: If we are allowed to print the address labels, a surcharge of CHF 0.45 per address will be charged. After receiving your order, we will adjust the total costs and send you a new order confirmation.

More Information
SKU 31148
Shipping options Post Versand, Mond-Express, Delivery Switzerland, Pickup
Net weight, g 132g