
Andrea Oldani is head of marketing and social media at Bachmann Social media Andrea, it’s said that content doesn’t show what a company ’does’ but what it ‘is’. Posts on Instagramor Facebook of course show people what you’re doing at any given moment. But as a company, you should think about how these individual chapters together make up a larger story and never lose sight of this overall pic- ture. Followers should be able to under- stand the ’why’, i.e. the additional value that the company creates. Confiserie Bachmann lives for tradition and craftsmanship, and we want to get that across to our community across all our posts. How will Confiserie Bachmann’s marketing communica- tions change over time? Social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Pinterest and TikTok are becoming more important in our target groups. For that reason, we’ll become more active on all these platforms. For a year now, we’ve been working with marketing soft- ware that gives us a better overview of our activity and automates certain processes. Our goal is to not miss out on interactions because we want to actively take part in conversations on social media. Which developments on social media are you most excited about? I’m excited about the fact that the community is increasingly having a say in the content and changes that it wants to see. That brings us closer to our customers and enables a more dynamic exchange. I like that the digital world and our ana- logue everyday lives are merging. Reposts #Bachmannmoments enjoyed by our customers ‘Our followers will have an increasing say in the content we produce.’ 85