
Lucerne specialities Lozärner Chatzestreckerli® This Lucerne speciality was created over 50 years ago in our bakery. ‘Chatzestreckerli’ are Florentine almond bars that are loved by locals and tourists from around the world. Why are people from Lucerne called ‘Chatze­ strecker’ (‘cat stretchers’)? Historians suspect that it has some- thing to do with this: on their way to the pilgrimage site Einsiedeln, the religious people of Lucerne had to cross a mountain ridge called ‘Chatzestrick’ (‘cat rope’). Over time, the people of Einsiedeln started to suspect that people from Lucerne were not as religious as they seemed. And that’s how the nickname ‘Chatze­ strecker’ was born. ‘Chatzestreckerli’ in our online shop: ‘Chatzestreckerli’ video: 74