
D O N A T I N G A N D D O I N G G O O D Schutzengeli® ‘We wanted to create a speciality that people know is associ- ated with a good cause,’ recalls Raphael Bachmann. ‘And one day we came up with the idea of a Schutzengeli and brought it to life in our own unique way.’ Part of the proceeds from the Schutzengeli® goes to the Bachmann Trust (at least CHF 20,000 per year). ‘From there, the money returns to those countries where our chocolate specialities originate.’ Among other things, the Bachmann Trust has built a school in Ivory Coast. ‘That is how connoisseurs become guardian angels,’ says Raphael Bachmann happily. Today, Schutzengeli® are our most popular and best-selling chocolate speciality. They appear when you least expect them. And they’re there when you need them. Our Schutzengeli ® have been making people happy for 11 years and have become our biggest success story. Bachmann Trust: 69