
Vegan Vegans will find a fantastic range of specialities without ani- mal-derived substances at Bachmann – from main meals to snacks and sweet treats. We realise that meat eaters are also eating vegan food more often these days. Our Buddha Bowl and hearty kale and quinoa salad are not only enjoyed by vegans. And our carrot and sprout sandwich has become a classic among people with all kinds of preferences. Our food scouts find out about worldwide vegan trends and use this information to create new Bachmann specialities. That is how the spelt Planted gourmet sandwich with Chipeno sauce and plant-based pulled pork and the wood-smoked carrots rec- ipe found their way into our range. Each week, our warm meal range also features a vegan meal, such as Indian Dal Makhani or a lentil and potato pot. And for dessert, we’ve been baking our popular vegan chocolate tartlet for a few months now. By the way, you can now also find the ‘vegan’ label in our chocolate range. It’s on our vegan chocolate bars, fresh chocolate and ‘Hoppeli Pure Vegan’ Easter bunnies. Our vegan chocolate tastes very similar to our tradi- tional milk chocolate and has a particularly smooth melting texture. 1% OF THE SWISS POPULATION IS CURRENTLY VEGAN – AND THIS FIGURE IS ON THE RISE. 95% OF VEGANS STATE THAT ANIMAL WELFARE IS THE MOST IMPORTANT REASON WHY THEY FOLLOW A VEGAN DIET. 15 OF OUR 37 BREAD SPECIALITIES ARE VEGAN. WE HAVE 40 VEGAN PRODUCTS IN OUR RANGE, INCLUDING 9 MEALS AND TWO SANDWICHES. 65