
Hello connoisseurs! How might our great-grandfather have imagined our business would be run in 2022? Introduction When he was a young baker, the ingredients for his bread were delivered to him by horse and cart, and the oven needed to be lit with wood every day. These days, our raw ingredients are delivered with a lot more horsepower and the ovens are also easier to heat. Maybe our great-grandfather would take off running if he were here to see that. Or maybe he’d watch with interest. After all, among all the inventions of the last 125 years, there’s one thing that would be familiar to him: the craftsmanship that goes into all our baked goods to this day. That and our love of special recipes and our desire to make every customer happy. In that sense, nothing has changed in the last 125 years. We’re the fourth generation to manage Confiserie Bachmann, and we do so in our bakery in the heart of Lucerne. Together with our over 500 employees, we make sure that the legacy of our ancestors lives on. A lot has happened between now and then. We’ve enjoyed some fantastic success, but we’ve also faced problems that seemed almost impossible to solve. We’ve fought our way through difficult times and had doubts, we’ve celebrated and enjoyed some great moments. 125 years of Confiserie Bachmann – in this magazine, we’ll take you with us on a journey into our pink world. Welcome! Matthias Bachmann Raphael Bachmann 4