BESTE ARBEITGEBER 2022 InZusammenarbeitmit SCHWEIZ Urkunde Bewertungsgrundlagen: Weiterempfehlungsbereitschaft fürdeneigenenArbeitgeber EmpfehlungenvonArbeitnehmern fürandereArbeitgeber innerhalbderBranche dieAuszeichnung «BESTE ARBEITGEBER 2022» Handelszeitung , LeTemps undStatista verleihenhiermit MadeleinevonHolzen Chefredakteurin LeTemps LeTempsSA Hinweis: Handelszeitung , LeTemps undStatistavergebendasSiegelnurauf individuelleBestellungausschliesslichanausgezeichneteUnternehmenderErhebung«BESTEARBEITGEBER 2022».DieAuswahl derUnternehmen und die Festlegung der Testkriterien erfolgten nach unabhängigen journalistischenGesichtspunkten von denWirtschaftstiteln Handelszeitung und Le Temps .DieBewertungwurde durch eines derweltweit führendenStatistikportale–Statista– durchgeführt. Handelszeitung, Le Temps undStatista erheben keinenAnspruch aufVollständigkeitderuntersuchtenArbeitgeber.OhneErwerbdesSiegels «BESTEARBEITGEBER2022» istdiewerblicheNutzung vonSiegel,Titel,Urkunde,BestenlisteoderArtikeln der Handelszeitung bzw. von Le Temps nicht gestattet.Die Listen der «BESTENARBEITGEBER 2022»werden am3.3.2022 inder Handelszeitung (Ausgabe9/22) und am 10.3.2022 in LeTemps (Ausgabe7‘266)vorgestellt. Dr.FriedrichSchwandt CEO StatistaGmbH StefanBarmettler Co-Chefredaktor Handelszeitung RingierAxelSpringerSchweizAG Confiseur Bachmann AG Employees and training Whether our customers find Bachmann specialities good or great depends on our employees. They make the difference be- tween our customers simply feeling tolerated or valued. They also have an influence on whether customers decide to take a detour to come back and shop with us again. If you want motivated employees who bring passion and various perspectives, then you have to create a fair, pleasant working environment built on trust. You should also recog- nise strong performances and give employees the praise they deserve. Every year, the Handelszeitung newspaper deter- mines which companies have best achieved that by surveying 200,000 employees. We’ll continue to do everything we can to offer our employees a safe workplace – in our specialist stores, the bakery, the logis- tics and packaging departments and the office – so they can do their job with passion and enjoyment. We give our best every day tomake sure that our family business feels like a little piece of home, and have been doing so for 125 years! This is the only way for our employees to pass on this feeling, so that you also feel at home at Bachmann. In line with the motto of ‘nurture and encourage’, we offer interested employees specific professional development op- portunities, both in our company and outside it. After all, our continued success is dependent on a satisfied Bachmann team with aspirations and ambition. ‘Best employers 2022’ result Thank you to our team for giving us a great testimonial! Promoting integration We’ve been working with the Berufslehr-Verbund Zürich, the Bildungsnetz Zug and other similar organisations for years in order to integrate dis advanged young people and migrants into the world of work. We take our societal responsibility very seriously. We came 18th among food and luxury food manufacturers in the list of the ‘best employers in Switzerland 2022’. We’re proud of that! That’s because it means that our 500 employees are pretty satisfied with us. And ultimately, they are the founda- tion of our success. 30
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