
Delivering basic training to motivated young people and advanced training to professionals is essential for personal development, self-satisfaction and economic success. A challenging opportunity rather than an obligation As well as offering high-quality profes- sional training, Confiserie Bachmann promotes personal development and responsibility along with social and methodological skills. Trainees work in teams in which they take responsibil- ity. They learn how to integrate, work together, handle criticism and praise, and exchange ideas. Additionally, they become familiar with and come to value the importance of appropriate etiquette. We regularly hold team meetings, courses and events, which offer trainees an opportunity to reflect on what they have learnt. At Confiserie Bachmann, training is seen as an opportunity rather than an obligation. After all, working with young people is formative and fun. Nevertheless, companies that want to hire top employees need to train them! On a professional level, tasks are assigned according to the suitability, skills and character of each trainee. Factors that are taken into account include friendliness, capacity to per- form, discipline, perseverance, focus and attention to detail. Confiserie Bachmann is proud of the fact that several trainees from various divisions have already passed their professional assessments with distinction. Com- mendations like that make the effort and enjoyment all the more rewarding. They also motivate trainees to continue to be among the best! ‘Training isn’t everything, but we’d be lost without education!’ Elvisa Kumalic Head of administration; she has been with us since August 2002 • Retail specialist (EFZ) or • Retail assistant (EBA) • Baker-patissier-confectioner (EFZ) • Salesperson   (EFZ) Like 29