
The 3rd Bachmann generation was at a time when the colour pink was primarily used in the cosmetics industry and men were not keen on being seen with a pink Bachmann bag. The pink storefront became our com- pany colour, which is recognisable as Bachmann pink even from a distance. ‘Senior Manager’ Even though the family business has long been managed by his sons, there would be no Confiserie Bachmann without its patron In his honorary role as ‘Senior Manager’, Raymond (85) visits the Lucerne bakery several times per week. His feedback on new products and eye for the highest quality are in high demand. His sons, Matthias and Raphael Bachmann, know that ‘our father still knows the market very well. He closely monitors it and contributes his ideas. We often discuss important decisions with him, as we want his values to also influence our manage- ment of the company.’ Portrait in ‘Stadtsicht Luzern’: raymond-bachmann 10 years as the bakers’ guild master and now an honorary guild master Raymond Bachmann with the first delivery vehicle 3 15