
Detektiv Trail Detektiv Trail Detektiv Trail Du willst die male rische Stadt Luzern entdecken, spannende Rätsel lösen und am Ende eine süsse Überraschung gewinnen? Dann kann die Reise beginnen. Startpunkt ImHauptbahnhof Luzern Zeit Der Trail kann jederzeit gestartet werden Kosten Der Trail ist kostenlos Geschenk Mit der richtigen Lösungszahl erhältst du in der Chocolate World am Schwanenplatz 7 dein Geschenk Distanz 4,5 km Fussweg Dauer 2-3 h Deutsch Start At Lucerne main station Times The trail can be started at any time Costs The trail is free Reward With the correct solution number yo receive your reward in the Chocolate Schwanenplatz 7 Distance 4,5 kmwalking distance Duration 2-3 h You want to discover the beautiful city of Lucerne, solve and win a sweet surprise at the end? Then the jour Have fun searching and discovering! English www.confiserie.ch/detektivtrail guia suíça Start Now Detektiv Trail Du willst die malerisch St dt Luzern e tdecken, sp nn nde Rätsel lösen und am Ende eine süsse Überraschung gewinnen? Dann kann die Re s g nnen. Startpunkt ImHauptbahnhof Luzern Zeit Der Trail kann jederzei gestartet werden Kosten Der Trail ist kostenlos Geschenk Mit der richtigen Lösungszahl erhältst du in der Chocolate World am Sc wanenplatz 7 dein Geschenk Distanz 4,5 km Fussweg Dauer 2-3 h Deuts h Start At Lucerne main station Times The trail can be started at any time Costs The trail is free Reward With the correct solution number you will receive your reward in the Chocolate World at Schwanenplatz 7 Distance 4,5 kmwalking distance Duration 2-3 h You want to discover th e beautiful city of Lucerne, solve exciting puzzles and win a sweet surprise at the end? Then the journey can begin. Have fun searching and discovering! English www.confiserie.ch/detektivtrail guia suíça Start Now Detective trail: www.confiserie.ch/detektivtrail Lucerne specialities Lucerne “Lebkuchen” Our recipe for this traditional cake has been passed on from generation to generation. It contains fresh cream and concentrated pear juice from Central Switzerland, as well as a secret Lebkuchen spice blend. The origin of the Lebkuchen is connected to pear juice: the farmers in the hinterlands had produced too much, so they preserved it by turning it into concentrated pear juice. Their wives began to bake with it – and Lucerne “Lebkuchen” was born. Lucerne pear pastries Are you wondering why these always taste so good? That’s because we add a generous amount of dried pears from the Lucerne hinterlands. This traditional pastry is then seasoned with grandfather’s spice mix. Lucerne pear pastries (“Luzerner Birnenweggen”) originally came about because farmers were harvesting far more pears that they could sell. So, they decided to dry the fruit and preserve it. Women then took this purée and baked it into these sweet pear pastries. Lucerne Cake The abundance of flavour in this cake, which is made from a delicate butter and nut shortcrust pastry and an exquisite filling, provides a culinary representation of the city’s beauty. The homemade nut fulling consists of 46% aromatic hazel- nuts, which are roasted with care before mixing, just like in old times. Doing so improves the taste and adds that extra something special. After all, no effort should be spared when trying to achieve the best possible taste. Recipe for Lucerne “Lebkuchen”: www.confiserie.ch/luzerner-lebkuchen-rezept Do you want to discover the pictur- esque city of Lucerne, solve exciting my eries and win a sweet prize at the end of it all? Then you’ve come to the right place. Information about the two rails Distance: 4.5 km on foot Duration: Two to thr e hours Starting point: Lucerne main station Languages: available in 4 languages Det Du willst die malerische Stadt Luzern entdecken, spanne lösen und am Ende eine süsse Überraschung gewin Dann kann die Reise beginnen. Startpunkt ImHauptbahnhof Luzern Zeit Der Trail kann jederzeit gestartet werden Kosten Der Trail ist kostenlos Gesche k Mit der richtigen Lösu gsza l er ältst d Chocolate World am Schwanenplatz 7 dei Geschenk Distanz 4,5 km Fussweg Dauer 2-3 h Deutsch Start Now The detective trails can be started at any time and are free. Welcome to Confiserie Bachmann’s detective trail! 75