
S C H E N K E N U N D G U T E S T U N Schutzengeli® “Wewanted to create a speciality that people know is associated with a good cause,” recalls Raphael Bachmann. “And one day we came up with the idea of a Schutzengeli and brought it to life in our own unique way.” Ten percent of the profits from the sale of Schutzengeli® go to the BachmannTrust. “From there, the money returns to those countries where our choco- late specialities originate.” Among other things, the Bachmann Trust has built a school in Ivory Coast. “That is how connois- seurs become guardian angels,” says Raphael Bachmann happily. Today, Schutzengeli® are our most popular and best-selling chocolate speciality. They appear when you least expect them. And they’re there when you need them. Our Schutzengeli ® have been making people happy since 2011 and have become our biggest success story. Bachmann Trust: www.bachmann-stiftung.ch 69