
Facts & figures 170 38 This is the total number of countries our employees come from. 30,000 Lucerne households and our entire production site are supplied with hot water by our heat recovery system. This is the number of followers and fans we have on social media. More than is the Barcelona postcode that we also send our Schutzengeli® to. 08001 v e g a n p r o d u c t s f e a t u r e i n o u r r a n g e 40% of voters tipped us as the most popular bakery and confectionery in Switzerland. Since this date, all Bachmann specialities have been produced using 100% green electricity. 1 Jan 2013 This is the percentage of fresh, fully ripe fruits in our sorbets. 5 5 % 35 trainees are currently completing their apprenticeship with us. years, we have lived and breathed our wonderful craft. For more than 2.5 cm is the diameter of our Luxemburgerli. 41