Being a role model Employee involvement Appreciation Culture of feedback Protection Further development Trust First-name culture Culture of learning Information-sharing Wesetanexampleofwhatwe expectofouremployees.We take responsibility forourownconduct andcontribute tocreatingagood workingenvironment. Wesee thingspositivelyandour leadership isbuiltonrespectand appreciation. Wegivedirect,honest feedback to supportouremployees.Weshare praiseopenlyandexpresscriticism inperson. Wearecontinuallydevelopingour employees.Wegive themgreater freedom tomakedecisionsas their skillsandabilities increase. WepromoteBachmann’sworking environmentand imageby interacting onafirst-namebasis.This increases trustand facilitatescommunicationon anequal footing,creatinga feelingof appreciationandrecognition. Employee involvement lays the groundwork forBachmann’s success.We involveouremployees indecision-makingprocessesand enable them toparticipate in shaping theirworkplace. Ouremployeesmustbeable to participate fromawell-informed position.Weprovide information inanopen,expedientmanner and fosteramutualsenseof understanding. Weareresponsible for occupationalsafety,ergonomic workplacedesignand protectingouremployees’ health. Westrengthen trust throughourown behaviourand interactionswithone another.We trust inouremployees’ abilityandwillingness tocarryout the taskassigned to them to thebestof theirknowledgeandbelief. Ouremployeesknowourvisionand goalsandsupport them.When mistakeshappen,weask: “Whydid thisoccur?”We involveour employees infindingsolutions. “Thank you for your hard work.” “What do you think?” “You can do it.” Mistakes “Du” “duzen” “siezen” We are Bachmann Vision, mission and values: What’s important to us How do we give people a moment of indulgence every day? And what do we need to do to ensure that our employees enjoy working at Confiserie Bachmann? To answer these fundamental questions, we need a vision – and we need all of our Bach team members to put it into practice. Our mission and values are also firmly embedded within our day-to-day work. Our vision Our guiding principles We give people a moment of indulgence every day. Our mission We want to bring joy to people who like to consciously enjoy good things. Just like us. With fresh, high-quality and unique products and first-rate service. 27
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