The 4 th Bachmann generation “Starting well requires enthusiasm. Ending well requires discipline.” Hans-Jürgen Quadbeck-Seeger Matthias is passionate about running ultra trails. His blog can be found here: www.bachmann.run Froma small local bakery to a large business: Interview with Raphael Bachmann: www.confiserie.ch/ raphael-interview …their years spent abroad Before we joined the family business after our training, we went out into the world and each did our own thing. We worked in confectioneries and bakeries in Dubai, Singapore, Japan and Europe. In doing so, we didn’t only learn languages but also how to get by in foreign cultures. As foreigners, we often worked away for 12 hours or more each day. These experiences continue to shape who we are today. People from 38 countries work in our company. Because we’ve experienced what it’s like to live in a foreign country, in our position as managers, we have a better understanding of our employees and their needs. …the growth of the family business We’ve only achieved what we achieved thanks to the work of the three gener- ations before us. We’ve grown from a small local bakery to one of the three largest bakeries in Switzerland. We actually never aspired to that – even if hardly anyone believes it. The growth of the company was just the logical consequence of our knack for launch- ing the right product in the right place at the right time. Regardless of how big the company gets, we know that you have to care about someone to cook or bake well for them. And until a machine is invented that can capture the emotion that goes into the work we do by hand, we’ll continue to focus on craftsmanship. carbohydrates are crucial in endurance sports, he’s spent a lot of time looking into bread and grains. The insights he has gained influence our product devel- opment. The demand for high-quality, healthy and sustainably produced baked goods is larger than ever before and will only continue to grow in the future. …their future The timeframe for our plans was and remains our lifetime. Looking towards the future, the magic word is innova- tion. It was, is and always will be our lifeblood. Innovative ideas have allowed us to hold our own in a heavily satu- rated market. After all, the more stand- ard goods there are on the market, the larger the niche for specialist products with their own unique character. The ideas for these come to us in the course of our everyday life. Matthias, for example, has been into ultra running, an extremely intense form of physi- cal activity, for over 15 years now. As 18
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